Rimkal Boussi

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist
4 July 1989

About Candidate

I’m a CBT Therapist graduated from the University of Bolton.I worked as a psychotherapist in New York College, a College in Athens, Greece. Counseling involved working with CBP Techniques to address issues such as Depression, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Low Self Esteem..etc. Besides, weekly drop in service, wellbeing sessions for students. I also did psycho educational seminars on issues that students commonly experience. I also worked as a CBT therapist at the Tunisian Center of Early Intervention in psychosis (TCEIP) in Tunisia, with patients with severe mental health disorders such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder and Major Depressive Disorder.
Please review my attached application for additional details regarding my expertise. I am also working through my BABCP. I would much appreciate the opportunity for furthering my experience. Please kindly do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Best Wishes,

Rim Kalboussi


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